Sunday, August 28, 2005

Episode 4

King Corp returns to the boardroom. Jin Hui Fired!

Sure that Victoria would be the one fired, the candidates in the suite awaited the arrival of the final two Conquest members. They were proven correct when Yessita and Shu Hui walked back into the suite. There were cheers as the women were congratulated by their team mates.

The next task would be taking place along Orchard Road and the candidates were told to meet the TTC outside the Orchard MRT station. As they assembled outside the main exit at Orchard Park, the TTC’s limousine pulled up and out he stepped with Farahain and David.

The teams were then told to select their Project Managers before the task was unveiled to them. Conquest chose Sharmaine while King selected Stephen. The TTC then told his candidates that they were going to work with the successful fast food chain, McDonald’s. They would each manage a store, both in very popular shopping malls around the Orchard station. One was in the Lido Cineplex and the other at Wisma Atria. The team with the highest profit would win this round. Sharmaine beamed, confident she could lead her team to victory with her experience at Mos Burger.

On King Corp, Beng Loong and Yen Hao smiled to themselves. They had been kitchen crew at Mos Burger before too. Who would win, cashier or the kitchen hands?

In a random drawing, King Corp bagged the Lido outlet and Conquest the Wisma Atria one. Both teams then headed down to their respective outlets.

Stephen decided to place Esther at the cash register with Jin Hui and James, who had been the two cashiers in the previous task. Yen Hao and Beng Loong would be kitchen hands, helping to cook the burgers and fries. Antonius would be trained to make the burgers along side Stephen himself. The team then got down to training to be prepared for the crowds. Ben would be on hand to clear the tables and take orders with the PDA should the line become too long.

Over at Conquest, Sharmaine delegated positions to her team members. Kimberly, Debbie, and Syaza would be trained as cashiers while Shu Hui, Yessita, Carol and Sharmaine would be doing the food. Since Sharmaine had been a cashier before, she would then be able to serve a dual role.

The two teams spent time getting trained to run their respective outlets. In a confessional, Yessita admitted that she hadn’t thought that being a cashier was a tough job. She said, “Wah, this job, so hard. So many buttons to press and still have to serve the customers. I will never look at McDonald’s employees in the same way.”

Soon, the day for the actual sales to begin arrived. Both outlets would be opened at 7.00am to 11.30pm at night, a total of 16 ½ hours. Both were in busy areas as well, so they were on equal footing. Whichever outlet managed to make more money would win the task, a reward and be safe from another boardroom experience.

The teams were at their outlets by 6.00am to get the store ready and open to receive customers. Then they started making breakfast, Sausage McMuffins, Hot Cakes, Big Breakfasts. A few officer workers trickled into the Wisma Atria outlet. The women beamed all round as they set to work on the task. The cashiers pressed the correct buttons diligently and set to serve the customers as quickly as possible.

Over at the Lido Cineplex, things were moving slowly. The movie crowds had yet to come and wouldn’t do so till about nine-ish. The team had it rather relaxed as they served the one or two early-birds that arrived at the outlet.

Will be updated when the entire story for this episode is done. Thanks for waiting. :D